Monday, September 10, 2012

Characteristics of a Hero

Courage is a very important in a hero and they almost couldn't be one without it. A craven hero just would not do. The stereotypical isn't meant to sit on the sidelines and "shake in their boots. No, the people we know to be heroes are the ones putting themselves in danger to save the lives of others, no matter what the cost.

Bravery is another one of the big ones. A hero has to be  fearless, like the little kid who believes nothing is impossible. The one believes that nothing can hurt them. Just like with courage, being brave involves taking risks for the good of others. It means putting others first, period.

There's no point in the first two traits if a hero has no compassion. That's like having a teacher who hates children--pointless. They must care for others and empathesize with their struggles. And most of all they must be willing to always help a person in need.

Have you ever heard of a weak hero? I sure haven't. Strength is an important component of a hero. They must be strong both physically and mentally. Physically to deal with situations such lifting away heavy rubble to free trapped people. Equally important for a hero though is mental strength, to allow them to be able keep going after going through all the hard work they endure on a regular basis.

Similar to having courage, a hero needs be selfless. They must be willing to  put the lives of others before their own. What they do is for the good of the people not themselves.

Again everything they do is for the good of the people. A good hero is humble. What they do is not about reward, but about helping others. If they care more about recognition then they care about the people, they are not a true hero.

Heroes are always polite. Sure you're grateful they saved your life, but you won't be for long if they act like a jerk. Heroes need to have good manners. Typically they are the type that always says please and thank you.

Every hero I've seen is always clean cut and clean in general. Of all the pictures of heroes we see through out our lifetime, their hair is never long and shaggy. They always have on a clean uniform and  cape and they never burp loudly, ever. 

Another must have characteristic of heroes is their speed. It's very important that they are fast and able to people in need as quickly as possible. Without this trait they would not be able to save near as many people as they do.

The last trait is not necessarily as important as those previously mentioned, but always seems to come with the costume and cape. The finale trait is attractiveness. I have never once seen an "ugly" hero. Most of them are usually men, as well as tall and very handsome. The only possible importance of this characteristic is that it makes them generally look more trustworthy.