Sunday, March 10, 2013

Inferno Reflection 2.0

Of all the cantos in Dante's Inferno, the punishment of Canto 34 is by far the most interesting and the most fitting. Canto 34, in circle 9,  the last and lowest canto, Dante has placed who he believes to be the worst sinners--betrayers of one's masters. There are only four individuals present in this circle, among them Judas, Brutus, Cassius, and, the worst of all, Lucifer. The first offender, Judas, is guilty of betraying Jesus to the Romans,  leading to Jesus' death on the cross, an extremely important event in history. Both Brutus and Cassius, two citizens of the Roman Empire, were responsible for killing important roman military leader Julius Caesar. The fourth and final  perpetrator is Lucifer, a fallen angel who betrayed God himself.  As like Canto 33 before it, there is a frozen lake in this canto also. Called Cocytus, a Greek word meaning "river of wailing," the frozen lake is where these sinners are stuck. In the middle is Satan, considered the worst sinner of all. He is depicted as having three heads and three mouths, each of which containing another one of the guilty. Unable to escape, all three men are being consumed by Satan, forced to suffer for all eternity.

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